Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Born Into it....

Do you ever wonder why you follow certain trends, certain rules and laws? Do you ever wonder why these things are unquestioningly followed by those around you? If you do then read on and contribute, if you don't well then frankly I'm worried about you.
I was just sitting at home bored and I was wondering why people feel it is necessary to "keep up with the Jones's". Why is it that everybody needs an ipod or an itouch? Why is it that people can't seem to live without there cell phones or the Internet, even though less than 20 years ago these things weren't even being used. Why does everyone have to have a car? How come we need to abide by laws that we never had a hand in creating(gay marriage, marijuana, etc), or support an economic and political system that we never endorsed. How come no one brings this shit up?

I was thinking about our national debt which is in the trillions when I wondered how long it would take to count to a trillion assuming I counted one digit per second 24 hours a day. I found it would take: 31688 years 32 days 1 hour 46 minutes 40 seconds, and that's assuming you could say One hundred thirty six million nine hundred and seventy two thousand four hundred and sixty three in one second(which of course you can't). Anyway my point is how fucking ridiculous is this? Why am I supposed to give a shit about some fairy tale number like that. What impact can anyone have on that number and why should anyone bother. I mean if our country is trillions of dollars in the red how the fuck does anybody have any money at all? It doesn't even make sense.

Anyway back to the rules and laws aspect of this rant, what the hell happened to the nation of the free that this country is supposed to be? How can you tell someone what they can and can't do? Some things make sense when it comes to endangering others but things like Gay marriage, Euthanasia, marijuana just don't make any sense. Why the fuck should anyone care about these things. If your not a fan of these things then don't indulge in or promote them, but don't you fucking dare tell me I can't.

I'm jumping all over the place right now but I don't care, I want to touch on the whole "I want what he's got" syndrome this planet is suffering from. Now basic amenities i understand; shelter, food, water, medical care, etc. unnecessary things that people constantly claim to need and buy. I'm going to make a mini-list of things that people seem to "need" that are either totally useless or extravagantly excessive(feel free to add): Jewelry(has never really made sense to me), itouch(see TV), hummers(your not in the military), Television(possibly the most mind-numbing invention ever), any more than 2 pairs of shoes that are the exact same shoe but differ in color(wtf!?) Also anything in excess is just fucking ridiculous what is with packrats and people who horde what do you need all that shit for?

When people watch TV or go on the Internet, they seem to yank the filter from there brain and vacuum as much nonsensical garbage as they can into there minds, and then do it again the next day. Over and over again. Why is TV considered such a necessity? Sometimes when I turn on my TV and skip past G's to Gents on to the 7th iteration of Mtv's The Gauntlet (35 year-old no life fuck-ups manifesting pointless drama with absolutely no shame) I can't help but wonder how and why? How these shows without an ounce of substance made it on the airwaves? And why the fuck anybody would watch them willingly? You want to know what annoys me even more? No? Well fuck you I'm saying it anyway, the thing that annoys me the most is that despite my attempts at avoiding these things, I still know all afuckingbout them because everyone around me loves this shit, and I can't even open the paper or watch the news without some nonsensical bullshit squirting through and occupying space in my mind. That's what pisses me off, I can't even turn my TV against the wall and be rid of it because it has saturated the very air around me. No wonder it's so fucking muggy today.

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