Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Dodo and Us (Part 2)

Before reading this article I would like to warn the reader that many of the views in this article may upset you. They are brutal in there honesty and common sense. Please If you are weak-minded kindly turn the fuck back.

As we have looked at the world around us over time, people in history as well as the present have noticed a great many things of importance. I will not be covering a great many of those things, in fact I will only be discussing one today. Don't worry though constant reader. I have more than enough time to go over the vast majority of those things in the future. I don't plan on going anywhere and the Internet seems to be sticking around, ipso facto so will my blog and my topics that no one reads. Now with the formalities behind us I would like to move on. I would like to discuss a very obvious and critical flaw in human society. Of course the flaw that I am talking about is Natural Selection. I put forth a challenge for anyone who reads this to prove it otherwise. Now I understand that stupid people exist, and just like our modern day portrayal of the Dodo many of these people will fall off the proverbial cliff and die. The problem is that not enough will die in this manner. I'm sure that right now many of you are thinking OMFG what is wrong with this guy, I assure you that other than thinking way too much there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I'm merely stating the obvious.

Looking at the newspaper for the past some odd years, the majority of headlines have read like an ongoing horror story where everyday some sick bastard adds a chapter to our already fucked up story. My point is, that every day i read the paper there is an article about being short on money for this, or how were missing resources for that. Late last year California was on the verge of a drought, luckily for us Californians that fear has now passed as we were and are presently being pissed on. How long will that last though with our and the world's freakishly increasing population. More importantly and this really is my main point. How do we intend to survive as a species while we sit here defying nature? We defy natural selection on a daily basis and we use vast amount of resources to do it.

In Nature when an animal is born without the necessary equipment such as legs, fingers etc, it dies. When an animal reaches a certain age, or breaks down to a certain point, it dies. If an animal is 100 percent alive and merely runs into another animal that is stronger, it dies. Animals that catch disease or break there legs will more often then not die. Not our species, not anymore. We've become to smart for our own good. Don't get me wrong I'm all for compassion and helping people who need it. I just feel that at our current rate of consumption as far as natural resources are concerned. We are driving ourselves into the ground. When a person is born with missing legs or loss of vision, instead of being killed they are given a placard and state supported medical insurance. When a human reaches a certain age where it's difficult to keep up with modern day going ons they retire and collect social security. If a weak human runs into a stronger human, be it mentally or physically, nothing occurs, we nod peacefully and move on. Also, and we've really screwed ourselves on this one. All the diseases and viruses we have saved ourselves from with "miracle cures" like penicillin and what not, are becoming immune and showing us that natural selection cannot be defeated or overcome at least not until we have completely and utterly mastered technology, and obviously where not quite there yet. Will we go the way of the Dodo for the same reasons(the intervention of ourselves), only time will tell. Wrap that around your brain for awhile and get back at me.

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