Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stoners Rejoice

I've really gone out of my way and done absolutely no research on this, but it does sound promising. So assuming you live to the average age people today live, which is 80 years your heart will beat roughly 3 billion times(thats one durable son of a B***h) in a lifetime. Now if you ask any doctor what you can do to strengthen your heart, 100 percent of them will tell you to excercise. Getting your heart moving and your body in shape has always been the best solution to staying healthy and will continue to be, but if you wish to be a lazy bastard there is a way. Considering the amount of people who constantly look for ways to change themsleves for the better without ever actually working for it, combined with the mounting support for legal marijuana i can only imagine this idea picking up steam and becoming the new "stay young forever" gimmick or whatever you want to call it. So here's the deal, it's very simple. Smoke lots of weed. Yes you heard me correctly. Oh, You already do you say? Well then fantastic keep improving your lifestyle and get your friends in on the act as well, it's for the better really. For those non-believers out there, how can something so unbelievably awesome like smoking green everyday better your life you ask? It's very simple, smoking increases your heart rate by 20 to 40 beats a minute which is exactly what working out does to help strengthen your heart. So intead of jumping on a treadmill or doing lame things like lifting heavy stuff(it's so tiring), all you have to do is get high a bunch and watch TV, where the heaviest thing you lift is a remote. See I told you it was simple, merely smoke and feel your heart strength grow exponentially. Be careful though this solution only increases lifespan through strengthening of the heart, it essentially does only half the job excercising will do, as it will not help you lose weight. That being said if you weren't going to hit the gym anyway you might as well blaze it up, right?


Disclaimer: The side-effects of smoking everyday are extreme hunger, absence of memory, and loss of coordination as well as increasing stupidity. Also smoking may shorten an individuals lifespan significantly as you may get cancer and die. WARNING THIS MEDICAL SOLUTION IS UNTESTED AND UNAPPROVED AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED IF YOU HAVE NO DRIVE IN LIFE AND REALLY LIKE SMOKING MARIJUANA AND GETTING HIGH.

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