Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Dodo and Us

I'm sure everyone remembers the Dodo. It's been a long time since the little goofball crossed my mind. I guess there is a legitimate reason for that, the Dodo has been extinct since roughly 1693. A flightless and pudgy ball of feathers, the Dodo was a comical looking animal. Enough so for it to become recognized by millions as the first animal killed off by the intervention of humans. I can recall being a kid and wishing I could see the dodo(hell I wanted to see dinosaurs too) in real life. Its easy to forget about things like the Dodo when you have an iPhone, a PS3, and a bitchin car. Lately I've just been realizing that some of the most amazing animals on this planet are on the verge of dying out forever. The largest Ocean going animal as well as the largest land dwelling animal are both on the endangered species list. The Blue Whale and The African Elephant. Creatures Like the Panda and the Aye-Aye will soon cease to exist except in textbooks and museums. It can easily be chalked up as natural selection, when looking for a reason as to the demise of these animals. It only bothers me so much because I realise that it can and will only get worse. With the amount of people on the earth combined with the lack of resources such as land water and food, it is inevitable that more and more species of animal will continue to become extinct, and at a more and more frequent rate. How does natural selection, Darwinism, and extinction tie into the human race? TUNE IN TOMORROW FOLKS FOR THE STUNNING CONCLUSION.

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