Thursday, February 21, 2008

Intricacies of Space Flight

Sitting around looking at my DVD collection I came across something I thought was odd and kinda funny. Back in my heyday when I was like 12 years old, I would always be amazed at the scenes where the spaceships in Sci-Fi movies would come cruising in to land on Earth or wherever. Just this epic scene of ships taking up the view of the sky or landing with flashing seizure lights, Fold down steps(are you kidding me?), and shiny reflector crap. I remember they would always reach our planet in three distinct ways. Either they would swoop down Independence Day style in this slow drawn out 2 day voyage from like the moon to the surface of the earth. When they finally arrived there would always be this little contingency of people waiting to welcome the new beings to earth. "Hi!, I'm like the president and this is uh yea, Welcome and stuff".

The second way that I remember Alien forms getting to earth is through the good old fashion crash landing. Generally an alien infested meteor or space ship or better yet a pod will come rocketing down to earth in a curtain of bright blue flame that no one sees, crash into an enormous cornfield and leave the alien(or entity) to slip out and seek the nearest human. Once the human is found by the alien they almost always have sex or brutally kill each other, It's just protocol.

The third way, and this is my favorite. It's probably sometime in the not so distant future, we've attempted to colonize and harvest some other planet, or probe the far reaches of space with a crew of like nine specialists(who never end up solving any of the problems they are their for) on some ridiculous mission. Like..........Uh I dunno, finding out what happened to the ship that mysteriously disappeared 4 years ago in the same sector/quadrant. Upon the ships arrival to said location everything goes drastically wrong. "Oh my god what's going on" <---------Always necessary to state the obvious

Anyway what I'm getting at is I can't believe any of that crap anymore. If I am to understand that these aliens are capable of traversing galaxies to arrive on Earth in a ship, I have to believe they have some kind of improved form of transportation. Whether it be the typical "Faster than the speed of light" travel, or folding the space time continuum and creating wormholes to travel wherever you please, I have to think they're doing something different. So then my point is why the fuck do they land on a tripod, I mean a tripod? This thing travelled across universes to land on a fucking tripod? So, what? It just wouldn't land if there was rough terrain or a mountain, or water? I can just picture the alien co-pilots looking at each other

Pilot "So...... you wanna cruise to the surface or...."
Pilot2 " eh I dunno.....I mean it looks a little uneven doesn't it..... it might be a little hard to like...?
Pilot "yea, yea I see what your saying these tripod models are like 23,000 Gelkacs out of date(scratching face) wanna just like keep going till we hit another planet?"
Pilot2 "Lets just do that (engages the clutch and takes off)

I always imagined like this Perpetual motion Anti-matter gyroscope that mulched the very elements around it into a smooth glass-like landing pad that the ship just settled on gently, with all the aliens sliding down to the ground on giant twisty slides. Folding space, to land on the surface of a planet in a flash would be chill, but another question arises from it all. Why are we so fascinated that it must be us that they visit. In space they have estimated that we have as many galaxies as we have grains of sand on the earth. How would they find us in the first place, and If they did why would they waste there time we may as well be rats to a species of beings that advanced, like a planet of parasites. Q: Do I think there is life on other planets in the universe? A: If the galaxy to grains of sand thing holds true than yea, with that many galaxies there is so much possibility for another random alignment of things that could bring about life. Will we ever encounter it? Not a fucking chance. But movies will continue to believe, and I'll continue to laugh.

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